All Ages Dog Training Class
5 consecutive Tuesdays, one hour sessions.
Thru positive reinforcement, learn loose lead walking, sit, stay, come, dog to dog greeting, dog to human greeting, and how to properly socialize your dog with other dogs and humans, and much more. Dogs must be 7 months and older.
Class dates are the following:
September 24, October 1, 8, 15, 22
Tuesdays: 9am-10am
Cost: $125
Call 619-232-7387 to reserve your spot.

Get ready for a spooktacular day of fun as the South Park Business Group proudly presents Trick or Treat South Park! on Saturday, October 26th, from 10 AM to 1 PM.
For just $18, participants will receive a specially designed South Park tote bag and a map highlighting all the participating businesses — show your bag at each one to collect candy and/or a fun gift!
During the event, businesses throughout South Park will also be hosting special activities in or outside their establishments, including:
- Exciting photo opportunities
- Tarot card readings for a glimpse into the future
- Magic Shows
- Live music to set the mood
- And much more!
Buy tickets HERE–

We’ll work on “house manners” to get you and your new family member started out right. Topics include: Greeting others, grooming, biting puppies, crate training and house training. We conduct class this way so your puppy meets new puppies every session. To participate, your puppy must have at least its second series of shots.
Class meets: Sunday, 9am – 10am
Cost: 5 consecutive Sundays – 1 hour sessions: only $100:
October 27, November 3, 10, 17, 24
Call 619-232-7387 to pay for the class. Spots fill fast!

New All Ages Dog Training Class
5 consecutive Tuesdays, one hour sessions.
Thru positive reinforcement, learn loose lead walking, sit, stay, come, dog to dog greeting, dog to human greeting, and how to properly socialize your dog with other dogs and humans, and much more. Dogs must be 7 months and older.
Class dates are the following:
October 29, November 5, 12, 19, 26
Tuesdays: 9am-10am
Cost: $125
Call 619-232-7387 to reserve your spot.